1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 武術

Mark Scientific Ving Tsun Association

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-10-20 刊登者: 詠春拳學

詠春拳學 Scientific Ving Tsun

修心 ----
尊師 重道 廣結 善緣 隨意 隨心

內練 精、氣、神 外練 筋、骨、皮

磨練 志意 堅持 毅力 強身 自衛 

• 麥漢基詠春拳學會                             主席/總教練

• 北京中國武術協會                    (國家級)武術六段

•  詠春體育會                                                     董事

•  詠春體育會                                             執業教練

•  詠春體育會                                             永遠會員

•  北京中國武術協會                                 段位會員

•  香港武術聯會                                                 會員

•  香港演藝學院「 詠春拳學 」               武術總監

•  香港賽馬會「 詠春拳學 」                   武術總監

•  港島 陳捷貴議員 中西區「詠春拳學」       教練

•  香港大學 教職員協會「 詠春拳學 」      總教練

•  Studio 49 「 詠春拳學 」                         總教練

•  Mark Scientific Ving Tsun Association Chairman / G.Coach

• China Wushu Association Level 6 of Wushu Duan Wei

•  Director of Hong Kong Ving Tsun Athletic Association

•  Certified Instructor of Ving Tsun Athletic Association

•  Member of Ving Tsun Athletic Association

•  Member of China Wushu Association

•  Member of Hong Kong Wushu Union

• The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts S.V.T.M.A Director

• Hong Kong Jockey Club S.V.T.M.A Director

• Central and Western DistrictS.V.T.M.A Coach

• Hong Kong University Staff Association S.V.T.M.A General Coach

•  Studio 49 S.V.T.M.A Director



使學者有了攀登目標, 2010 年 9 月 1 日創立麥漢基詠春拳學會,望把中國武術得到進一步的繁衍與發展。


Chinese Martial Arts began a long time ago, its roots are deep and vast. Kung Fu is one of the treasures of China,
and a Chinese Martial Arts teacher's work is very noble. While recognizing the accomplishments of the former Wushu masters,
we wish to establish a good standard for future Chinese Martial Arts students.
1 Sep 2010 we established Mark Scientific Ving Tsun Association. Hope Chinese Martial Arts will move forward,
develop successfully and contribute abundantly to society.

 詠春拳學 適合初學男女 及 曾學習詠春拳的 男,女學員
Scientific Ving Tsun is suitable for beginners Man and Lady. as well as those who have practised Ving Tsun.

Email: [email protected]

Web : www.mark-vingtsun.com

初級証書課程 Basic Level Course

香港西半山 西邊街36號A 西區社區中心 2樓
授拳時間:星期二 18:30 - 20:00

Tel:2559 8472

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