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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-12-19 刊登者: fengshui


Wing Chun Wooden Dummy 116 Techniques Kung Fu Training Course

上課地點:香港中環威靈頓街112-114號新威大廈 202A室
 Address: Room 202A, Sunwise Building, 112-114 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong

TEL: 2146-1216:


Wooden Dummy 116 Techniques Training Course          Call 2146-1216

Wing Chun Dummy at a Wing Chun school

『詠春』The Muk Yan Jong is a wooden dummy used in Chinese martial arts training. It is associated with the martial art of Wing Chun and other kung fu styles of Southern China.

The Wing Chun wooden dummy uses an arm and leg configuration designed to cultivate fighting skill and chi simultaneously.

The Wooden Dummy is the ultimate in Wing Chun training aids helping you to increase power, speed, accuracy and conditioning.

Utilizing movements from all three Wing Chun forms the 116 dummy movement routine is the first step in putting your forms into real time practice. Learn about body positioning, balance, weight transfer, as well as different areas to stick to and strike your target.

Also included is the next stage in Wing Chun application where the Wooden Dummy techniques are transferred into real time, and real life situations. After practicing on the Dummy this training can be done harder and faster as a result of the conditioning received.

Wing Chun is so good for women and men

Wing Chun Training was developed in southern China over 300 years ago. Wing Chun initially was a guarded secret and only a select few were lucky enough to become students but now mainly through the legacy of Yip Man , who famously taught Bruce Lee, it is practiced throughout the world. We hope that this site is an inspiration and a useful resource for those studying or interested in studying Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Wing Chun Kung Fu due to the very nature of it's core systems can be just as easily learnt and used effectively by men and women of any size or build. Indeed the creator of Wing Chun Kung Fu was a woman, a Buddhist nun named Ng Mui, and her first student was also a woman named Yim Wing Chun after which the art is named. Do not let this lead you into thinking that Wing Chun is weak as it in fact has explosive power which can be seen in Bruce Lee's famous "one inch punch".

Wooden Dummy 116 Techniques Training Course                   (Learn The Wing Chun Most Kept Secret Training System)

『詠春』The Muk Yan Jong Kung Fu Course is now open, please call 2146-1216 for details.

Venue at:

Room 202A, 112-114 Wellington Street, Sunwise Building, Central Hong Kong.

Enrollment: 2146-1216

School Fee: HK$ 800 / month ( 4 Lessons)

Student - teacher ratio  1 : 4

  Enrollment     Tel:  2146-1216  _________________________________________________________________________________


Tai Chi Kung Fu Course


Yang's Style 108 Form Tai Chi , Qigong, Self-defense

Tai Chi Kung Fu Learning Course     ENROLL NOW ! !

Tai Chi Chin Na Kung Fu Course           Call 2146-1216

Tai chi techniques thus balance yin (soft/receptive) and yang (hard/active) principles in a number of ways. Tai chi training works on the Taoist principle that in order to become hard, one must first be soft; in order to be fast, one must first be slow; and in order to develop strength, one must cultivate weakness. The core of training is the solo form, a slow sequence of movements which emphasize natural movement and relaxation. The solo form is essentially a catalog of movements that are practiced individually in application scenarios to prepare for "Chin Na" and combat.

Tai Chi Kung Fu Course is now open

please call 2146-1216 for details.

Venue at Room 202A, 112-114 Wellington Street, Sunwise Building, Central Hong Kong.

Enrollment: 2146-1216

School Fee: HK$ 800 / month ( 4 Lessons) 

Student - teacher ratio  1 : 4  

      Enrollment    Tel:  2146-1216


楊家108式太極拳、氣功 、自衛術及推手課程


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