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Swish Club

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-06-20 刊登者: Ms. Ng

In 2003, The Swish Club was first found as a small Thai Boxing Gym in Wanchai with a very small number of dedicated students and instructors.
We gradually grew and started up our second location in Causeway Bay exclusively for ladies’ training in 2004. Furthermore, we also continued to expand our Wanchai location in 2006 and moved to a bigger complex of about 2000 sq ft. More classes were added to facilitate the increasing student base.
In 2007, we have decided to really expand and once again moved to a much bigger location of about 5,000 sq ft in Causeway Bay to cater for both mixed and ladies’ training.
Today we have over 500 members, 10 instructors in 2 locations – Wanchai and Causeway Bay. We promise to continue to bring the best Muay Thai training in Hong Kong!
Awarded by the Hong Kong Council of Social Science, we are also one of the caring company in Hong Kong in 07/08.
At Swish Club, we believe in personal development through our training and are committed to Muay Thai boxing excellence.

關於Swish Club
Swish Club創立於2003年沙士之後,區秉彪有感當時香港陷入前所未有的低潮,故毅然放下原先的工作,創立Swish Club,希望讓自己熱愛的泰拳,重新令港人振作。再者,當時香港大部分拳館都予人較差的形象,不少人認為學拳只是為了打架,故區秉彪希望改變大眾對泰拳的錯誤看法,建立一個形象健康,兼環境舒適的拳館予有志學泰拳的港人。
直到2005年,Swish Club再作出新嘗試,開設專為女士而設的銅鑼分校,是當時首間,亦是至今唯一一間女子泰拳館。這大決定是因為當年纖體廣告排山倒海的湧出市場,他郤相信女士減肥應該有更好的方法,而且香港女性的經濟愈來愈獨立,亦敢於表現自己,故提供一個只有女士的地方予她們學習泰拳,能避免與男士一同學拳而產生的尷尬,亦有較為舒適的空間。
Swish Club除了是首間開創女子泰拳館的先驅,亦是首間引入著名泰國泰拳教練教學的拳館。泰拳在泰國非常流行,大部分拳手在年少時開始學習泰拳,部分更在7、8歲已開始,故泰籍教練擁有更豐富的實戰及教學經驗,而Swish Club的泰籍教練,均具有超過100場以上的比賽經驗。來自不同泰拳營及地區的教練,亦能讓學員學習到不同風格及特色,以及最正宗的泰拳技巧。
Swish Club多年前已與泰國著名拳館保持緊密合作關係,包括Fairtex及Sityodong,Fairtex的一級教練及拳手,更會定期派駐Swish Club授課。除此之外,不少著名泰拳教練亦曾到Swish Club教授泰拳,包括︰泰拳大師Yodthong Senanan、Dr. Serge Augier、俄羅斯拳王Arslan及Ramazan等。

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