Tony 與 Pammy 皆考獲瑜伽體適能教練專業資格,對瑜珈生活充滿熱誠,曾親往印度修練,願與不同程度之學員分享學習過程的經驗,樂趣及喜悅。Tony可以普通話或廣東話授課而Pammy可以英話或廣東話授課,歡迎來電查詢。
With the passion to yoga, Tony and Pammy are certified yoga instructors and have been to India for a yoga journey. To share the fun and joy of practicing yoga with the students in all level is the goal of Tony & Pammy.
Tony & Pammy can teach in Cantonese, while Tony can teach in Putonghua and Pammy can teach in English as well.Individuals, personal groups, corporates & organizations are welcome to contact for further discussion.