1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 武術

Tai Ji Quan, Stress Buster ! 減壓太極班

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-02-23 刊登者: key95874624
示範短片 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7wcT4otxlE

太極拳及氣功課程包括: (Traditional Tai Ji Quan classes, please scroll down for English version)



八段錦 ,簡化及楊式太極拳適合普遍人士 ,而陳式太極拳適宜有根底及活躍人仕學習 ,如初學者需要有較長之入門訓練為宜 .

 - 陳式太極拳
 - 楊式太極拳
 - 二十四式簡化太極拳
 - 八式簡化太極拳
 - 楊式太極劍
 - 簡化三十二式太極劍
 - 立式八段錦及坐式八段錦
 - 太極氣功放鬆功
 - 健身氣功八段錦

查詢請電:9587 4624
[email protected]鄭鍾琦(傳統陳家、楊家太極拳套路)

導師介簡 : 

修煉空手道、楊式太極拳、陳式太極拳和器械超過二十年,並修畢及考取多個專業資格 ;長期教授太極拳,有較豐富的教學經驗和較高的理論水平。 


 - 香港遊樂場協會
. 麥花臣室內場館
 - 香港遊樂場協會
. 修頓室內場館
 - 清水灣半島會所
 - 深灣軒會所
 - 恆麗園會所
 - 怡景園
 - 梨木樹民生互助社
 - 涵虛內家拳研藝會
 - 順天村雙順和諧協進會
 - 明愛家長資源中心
 - 康文處長者八段錦

Traditional Tai Ji Quan classes being taught by experienced practitioner.   Tai Ji Quan is a good exercise that stretches your muscles, strengthens your joints and improves circulation through slow and gentle movements.  It helps balance body & mind, maintain good health and release stress.   People who practice Tai Ji Quan regularly benefit a lot from this exercise.

Tai Ji Quan & Tai Ji Qi Gong Classes :

Chen Style Tai Ji Quan
Yang Style Tai Ji Quan
Simplified 24 forms Yang Style
Simplified 8 forms Yang Style
Yang Style Tai Ji Sword
Simplified 32 forms Tai Ji Sword
Eight Section Brocade Exercise
Tai Ji Qi Gong
Ba Duan Jin

For enquiries, please call Mr Cheng on 9587 4624 or email [email protected] (Traditional Chen Style, Traditional Yang Style Tai Ji Quan)

About the Instructor – Mr Cheng Chung Ki

Mr Cheng has more than 20 years experience practicing Karate, Yang Style Tai Ji Quan, Chen Style Tai Ji Quan, and gym, and gained various professional qualifications.   He has taught Tai Ji Quan for a long time with substantial teaching experience and expertise in martial arts. 

Mr Cheng’s experience working as a Tai Ji Quan instructor for the following clubs & associations : 

Hong Kong Playground Association,
Queen Elizabeth II Youth Centre
Hong Kong Playground Association, Southern Stadium
Oscar by the Sea Oscar Club
Sham Wan Towers Club
Hanley Villa
Yijing Garden
Lei Muk Shue Mutual Aid Club

Caritas – Hong Kong Parent Resource Centre

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性