1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 武術

Hong Kong is a place that puts a great demand on our bodies.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-21 刊登者: Strat Mark Fitness

StratMark Fitness is a division of StratMark Business Consulting. Through working with various companies in soft skills, management, corporate wellness and marketing consulting, I have followed my passion for all things wellness.

Understanding the pressures placed on individuals and families in high pressure cities like Hong Kong, Dubai and Johannesburg, I focus on devising a complete wellness and personal training program that suits the modern lifestyles we lead today.

Hong Kong is a place that puts a great demand on our bodies. Working long hours and sitting on efficient yet usually cramped public transport for what feels like an eternity takes its toll. On the other hand there are people who struggle to get to the gym, whether it be time constraints, family commitments, lack of motivation or any number of personal or environmental factors.

Taking this into account I focus my personal training sessions around fun and functional training; training that would benefit you on an every day basis in terms of improved posture, muscle balance, core strength, energy and tone.

The personal quest for wellness can be a daunting task. I am here to assist and guide you through the rough waters, keeping you motivated, enthusiastic and ready for the next challenge every step of the way.

StratMark Fitness

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +852 6073 3007


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