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  3. 武術

Chinese Martial Arts is considered an art and a science

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-09-06 刊登者: 中國武術
Chinese Martial Arts is considered an art and a science. It follows the Chinese culture of being humble and hardworking to build up one's personality and physical, spiritual and mental strength. It is a training in pursuit of self-perfection.
Chinese Wushu is suitable for all age groups. Both small children and elderly can find their own form of Wushu training that can lead them to a healthier state of body and mind. Although getting started requires initiative, this art is now here for you. Rosetta is a qualified and professional teacher/coach, with international championship experience. She competed in the Asian Games in 1998, in the East Asian Games in 1997, and the World Championships in 1999. Rosetta was American Champion in 2002 & 2003.
Wushu is the answer to enhance your flexibility, your health, your endurance and give you peace of mind. Click here to learn with the national champion!
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