HKFA Junior Fans Club
主辦機構Organizers: 香港足球總會有限公司 Hong Kong Football Association Limited
贊助機構 Sponsor: 愛迪達香港有限公司 adidas Hong Kong Limited
主旨Objective: 提供全年足球活動予4至15歲的青少年,透過足球活動促進親子關係
入會資格Eligibility: 年齡介乎4-15歲的青少年 Youngsters aged from 4 to 15
會員限額 (04/05年度): 最多可吸納10,000名參加者 (先到先得)
Membership quota (04/05): Maximum of 10,000 participants (First-come, first-served)
入會費用及手續: 每年港幣$100 (有效期至2006年7月31日)
Enrolment Fee & Procedure: Annual Fee - $100 / year (Valid until 31st July 2006)
專享優惠Privilege: - 會員証及會員T-Shirt
Membership Card & T-Shirt
- 優先參與來年之青少年足球推廣計劃
Higher priority to participate in Youth Football Scheme
- 免費參觀本地賽事(每場賽事名額為500名,每名會員並可帶同一位家長入場,先到先得)
Free admission to all local matches (Quota per match: 500, you can bring one of your parent too, first-come, first-served)
- 有機會被邀請免費參觀國際賽事
Free admission to selected international matches
- 免費參加足球同樂日、足球比賽、領場大使及足球同樂親子營等
Entitle to join the fun days, football competition, escort kids, and football camp, etc.
- 可參加本會所舉辦之足球訓練班 (本會會收取基本之訓練費)
Eligible to enroll in training course with a reasonable enrollment fee