1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 球類運動

私人羽毛球教練 ( 小組4-6人/1對1/陪打); Badminton Coach (Group session 4-6people/individual/Game Practice)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2021-04-29 刊登者: 20128245

 球齡及比賽經驗:10年球齡及豐富比賽經驗, 例如薈長杯, 中銀, 各區區賽及聯賽. 


教學理念:畢業於運動科學課程. 應用運動科學知識制定針對性訓練內容以建立學生對技術的基礎, 改善弱項, 及提升健康及運動體適能水平. 課程亦著重理論及意識建立以及戰術運用. 上述教學重點會因應學員的能力循序漸進地傳授. 另外, 本人會善用課堂時間按照學員強弱點調整訓練內容以提升訓練質素及成效。

強項:本人擁有7年以上的單打比賽及3年以上的雙打比賽經驗. 無論單雙打的技戰術及心得亦能以專業及富經驗的角度提出建議及  改善. 四年以上的青少年及成人教授經驗有效地助本人以最簡易及高效的方式改善球員技術及助達成目標。

此外, 本人仍活躍於本地各賽事, 因此亦提供陪打陪練服務以滿足不同球員的需要。


收費:280 每小時 (包球不包場,本人可代訂場地), 小組訓練有優惠, 價錢詳議。電話:54061319 Email:  [email protected]

Coaching and Athletic Experience: 10 years badminton training experience and enrich competition experience in the local  context.

Sports Achievements: acquired numerous awards in the local contests, such as District Competitions and Inter-School  Competitions. 

Coaching Philosophy: Graduated from Exercise Science Program. Professional knowledge in sports science will be applied for  organising the coaching sessions in order to build up the foundation of the basic skills for badminton, improve the weaknesses on the court, and the quality and effectiveness of the sessions. The session content will be modified according to the level of  athletes/students.

Strengths: More than 7 years and 3 years of competitive experience in the fields of Men's single and double respectively. More  than 4 Years of coaching experience in groups of both adolescents and adults. Professional and sophisticated advice on the use of strategies can be provided for enhancing skills and sports performance.

I am still engaged in training and local competitions. Thus, I also provide the service of competitive practices with athletes/students.

My programs also welcome students with the purposes of developing interest in badminton and maintaining physical condition.

Session Fee: $280HKD per hour (Charge included the provision of shuttlecocks) (Expenditure for venue reserving are excluded  from the session fee) (Both group form and individual sessions are welcomed) (Session fee for the programs of group form,  please contact me for details)

 Tel: +85254061319 Email: [email protected]

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