東方瑜伽理念- 本會在香港於二零零三年成立,Frankie Leung擁有多達十多年之瑜伽教學經驗亦同時兼任本會主席及總教練,Frankie更進一步向外推廣瑜伽之益處,以及提供一個優良的鍛鍊環境給予瑜伽之學習者。
本會現於全港不同地區開辦不同層次的瑜伽訓練課程,致力於每周在不同地區達120班之多,學習人數接近2000人; 現同時擴大我們的經營。 在好的環境裡妥善把那些學生鍛造成瑜珈。 在很寬的瑜珈慣例範圍內,不管你是一個絕對的初學者還是一個已有瑜珈經驗的學者,我們歡迎你參加分享我們的空間並且成為我們的一部分。
Yoga Concept- Established in Hong Kong in 2003, Frankie Leung has one of the highly yoga instructors in Hong Kong and he taught yoga for possess over 10 years. He is currently is the Chairman and Chief Master in Yoga Concept; In additional he has an organization the group to be launching, expanding our operations concurrently now. We are forging the fine environments for our yoga students. We dedicated to offer up to hundred-twenty of classes each week in various districts, it's close to 2000 students totally; in a wide range of yoga practices, whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced Yogi, we welcome you to share our space and become part of our community. 東方瑜伽理念- 本會是一個非牟利團體, 本會致力於香港推動瑜伽, 能夠使其更受歡迎及普及化!因此, 我們歡迎各界喜愛瑜伽之人士參與本會.
Yoga Concept- As a non-profit making organization, it is dedicated to promote the love of Yoga amongst the Hong Kong community. We Welcome yoga lovers and practitioners to join us.
於東方瑜伽理念- 修練者借著各種緩慢動作的反復練習,可按摩體內的各器官,使其 機能活躍,瑜伽是一種與身體, 溝通對話的運動,在伸展動作中,感受自己每一吋肌膚,每一節的關節,每一塊肌肉,從而舒緩身心打通身體的“結”,達到平衡的狀態。 瑜伽是一種修練,循序漸進的過程。在每一階段能領悟的內涵都有不同。隨著修練的時間越長,越有恆心,收穫也越大。在我們的中心裏,的確有很多的學者因瑜伽而受惠。
In Yoga Concept- the yoga exercisers repeat the slow motions again and again, massage and active internal organs. Yoga is a sport that communication the body, by the way to stretch, to realize every inch of skin, every joint link, each muscle, and then, to soften body and heart, to solve body's problem, reach the balance state. The yoga study is a gradual process. At each stage, the student understands different inner content. You will be more persistence as the exercise period lasts longer and longer, you will also harvest more and more.