1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 瑜伽

Nature Yoga 自然瑜伽舍提供小班身心靈減壓班,令你迅速恢復精神,回復健康

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-10-17 刊登者: Nature Yoga


Calm Mind, Fit Body and Inspired Life    


Kundalini Yoga


她能夠迅速喚醒脊椎底的能量直達中央神經(中脈),透過呼吸和特定姿勢,(Kriya) 及冥想而達到刺激線體。她強化神經系統,淨化血液,增強免疫系統的功能,從而促進整體健康,增強心智體能的健全,提升個人意識 (consciousness)邁向與內在心靈相結合,找到活出真我的道路。

Kundalini is a yoga of awareness through the practices of Kriya, meditation, breath control, focus of mind and relaxation.  It is a scientific technique to develop clear minds, strong nerves and glandular systems.  On the subtle level, it means unite with your soul and unite with the infinity.  This is also a traditional technique to experience the Self from the inside out to bring awareness of your true self.  It builds inner strength and self-awareness to fulfill your highest potential.

Hatha Yoga

Ha 代表右脈,是太陽熱的能源;Tha代表左脈是冷的月亮能量。透過練習瑜伽 Chi (氣)會進入中脈,平衡陰陽的二脈,增加肌肉力量及身體協調能力,  改善呼吸, 促進身心靈(Body,Mind, Spirit)健康。適合所有人士

Ha comes from “ha” – solar and ‘tha” – lunar, and it is the harmonious union of the two opposite aspects in the human body.  The practice of yoga postures (Asana) aims to open and purify the energy centers (Chakras) and energy channels (Nadis).  Practices include Breathing, Asanas and Meditation, all levels class.  Excellent conditioning for the body, mind and breathIdeal for everyone!

Yin Yoga


Yin pose brings you a gentle stretching for the connective tissue of your body, nourishing meridians and balancing the Yang energy, Yin yoga applies longer passive holds to deeply penetrate the body. Excellent for all levels with an approach of meditative and reflective practice. Suitable for all levels particularly for the sport lovers, which aims to enhance flexibility of muscles and joint to lessen injury from engaging any sport activities.

付費請入帳 HSBC #614-050268-838 Nature Yoga,或請致電 92300712彭小姐查詢,

*** 入帳後連收據及全名電郵
[email protected] 或 whatsapp 92300712 ***  

Date & Time   
Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:00 pm
堂費 Tuition單堂 Walk InHK$120
4 堂  4 ClassesHK$400
12 堂  12 ClassesHK$1080



上課地點 : Triplex Studio 荃灣柴灣角街榮興工業大厦1913 室 (由荃灣廣場步行三分鐘)

                       Flat 1913, Wing Hing Industrial Building, 83-93 Chai Wan Kok Street, Tsuen Wan

Please contact Ms Pang 92300712 for enquiries, We accept payment via transfer to HSBC A/C

614-050268-838 Nature Yoga

*** Kindly email us at
[email protected] or whatsapp 92300712 with the Pay-In slip with your Full Name to Miss Pang  ***

pls check out  my blog at www.natureyoga.com.hk for more information




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