自2007年,Yoga Kingdom 以趣味的教學方法為兒童及家庭提供瑜伽課程。課程分為7個級別並於太古,灣仔,何文田, 中環等教育中心及英基,仁濟,道教協會核下之學校教授。
Yoga Kingdom 同時提供私人瑜伽班讓兒童及家人安在家中享受瑜伽之健康得著,查詢請聯絡8348-1683 或瀏覽 http://www.yogakingdom.hk/#/private-lessons/4570732169
Yoga Kingdom teaches fun & educational yoga to Hong Kong children and families since 2007. We also offer private classes for both adults and kids who want to learn yoga in the comfort of their homes. Details please contact 8348-1683 or visit www.YogaKingdom.hk