1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 水上運動

Wakeboarding has become the talk-of-the-town water sport.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-24 刊登者: Wakeboard.com.hk


Wakeboarding has become the talk-of-the-town water sport; however, it's not just a trendy thing which will fade out soon. Once you get into this sport, you will discover how challenging it could be. Wakeboarding is here to stay so if you really wanna master the coolest tricks, it's crucial that you pick the right coach, the right boats and even the right place to do it!

We have great location, experienced coaches and the most professional boats!

We also have a demo fleet of wakeboards from every big manufacturer and a proven wakeboarding instructor program.

Tel:3120 4102    
Email:[email protected]    


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