1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 運動及健身優惠

We can scale every workout to meet your current skill level and fitness needs

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-06-12 刊登者: crossfitasphodel

CrossFit Asphodel

Our Mission at CrossFit Asphodel is to provide you with the environment, instruction and motivation to exceed your personal fitness goals.  This is your gym and we strive to make everyone's experience a great one.

CrossFit Asphodel wants to train anyone who is willing to show up and work.  Is that you?  We can scale every workout to meet your current skill level and fitness needs.  We are equipped to train armed forces, paddlers, rugby players or someone trying to get back into shape.

You will not spend 30 minutes on a treadmill going nowhere and then another 30 minutes on a machine circuit.  Nor will you be doing chest/tricep, back/bicep bodybuilding routines.  Instead you WILL run, jump and row.  You will work on rings, slam balls, swing kettlebells and perform powerlifts.  You will learn the proper way to lift, squat, throw and jump....  Why?  Because it works!

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program based on constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity.

At CrossFit Asphodel we believe that he or she who is the most balanced around the 10 skills listed below, is the most fit;

    Cardio-Respiratory Endurance

We will develop your capacity in all of these so that no matter what life or sport throws at you, you will not only cope, but excel. CrossFit prides itself on its highly effective and supportive community. At CrossFit Asphodel, we are no different, you will become part of our team, forming new and lasting friendships.  All our workouts and movements are universally scale-able which means that anyone can become CrossFit regardless of current ability.  The high intensity asked of our athletes to achieve their goals is relative to each individual and will differ accordingly. At CrossFit Asphodel we make the program work for all.

Mobility and CrossFit Asphodel Warmup

3 rounds for time:
50 Double Unders
40 Situps
30 Medball Clean (10/5kg)
20 Pullups
10 Ring Dips

Mobility and CrossFit Asphodel Warmup

Shoulder Press

5RM then 3x5 @ 90% of 5RM
3 x Max Reps Tate Press
3 x Max Reps Tricep Band Extension  

Mobility and CrossFit Asphodel Warmup

5 rounds for time:
200 Single skips
20 Deadlifts (60/40kg)
20 Situps
10 Deadlifts (60/40kg)
10 Situps

Mobility and CrossFit Asphodel Warmup

20cal Row
30 Burpees
40 DB Thrusters (20/15kg)
50 Toes To Bar
60m OH Walking Lunge

CrossFit Asphodel:

Phone:(+852) 35687719
Email:[email protected]

Address:Unit 11C Wah Ha Factory Building
8 Shipyard Lane Quarry Bay Hong Kong
MTR Tai Koo Station EXIT A1

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