1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 運動及健身優惠

跳水體驗及基本課程 (Experience & Elementary Diving Course)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-06-20 刊登者: Aquatic Sports Association (鯤鵬體育會)

跳水體驗及基本課程 (Experience & Elementary Diving Course)


1.  在香港推廣跳水運動 (To promote Diving Sports in Hong Kong)

2.  讓人們(包括成人)有機會學習及參與跳水運動 (To provide opportunity for people (including adults) to learn Diving Sport)

3.  培育對跳水有濃厚興趣/有潛質之運動員成為本會跳水代表隊 (To train up those who are interested/ potential in diving to be our Diving Team members)


8歲或以上;  能游畢25; 健康及體能足以進行跳水運動 ; 

(Age 8 or above; Able to swim over 25m; Physically fit for diving sport)


課程名稱(Course Title):    跳水體驗及基礎班 (Experience &Elementary Diving (Springboard) Courses)

課程費用(Course fee):       $400

課程時數(Course duration):       12小時(hours)

內容(Course content): 陸上彈板/ 彈網訓練及跳水池訓練 (Land springboard/ trampolining and Diving pool)

地點(Venue): 九龍公園泳池及彈網室 (Kolwoon Park Swimming Pool & Trampoline Room) 


      所有訓練課程均由鯤鵬體育會(香港業餘游泳總會有限公司屬會)舉辦       (All training courses are organized by Aquatic Sports Association, an affiliate club of HKASA)


     訓練時間及地點將因應每月訓練場地之供應而有所調整,詳情請留意本會網站的每月更新       (Training time/ venue may be changed subject to the availability of the training venue of the month.  The monthly updated please refer to our website.)


本會網站(website):  http://www.aquatic.hk/ 

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性