1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 運動及健身優惠


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-03-02 刊登者: andylau
聯絡電話(852)66756777 or (852)61831978 or email : [email protected] 本公司已有廿多年歷史,專門提供耐用而價錢合理的制服,而且服務態度誠懇有禮。專業而經驗豐富的裁縫師為你設計和製造各類訂造的制服。本公司製造的制服所覆蓋之行業非常廣泛,包括美容、旅行社、銀行、清潔服務、建築、工程服務、樓宇管理、保安、電訊、物流、運輸、超級市場及消費保健等。度身和試身服務及供多個行業之需的現貨一應俱存,尚有多款T恤,以滿足你的需求。Contact phone(852)66756777 or (852)61831978 or email : [email protected] We have over twenty years of experience in providing durable and reasonably priced uniforms with sincere attitude and politeness. Professional and experienced tailors will design and make uniforms to satisfy all your needs. we design and manufacture different types of uniforms for all major industries including cosmetics, travel agency, banking, cleaning, building, construction, estate management telecommunication, logistics, transportation, supermarkets, consumer health etc...We also have stocks for immediate purchases.
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性