Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League Event 2005/2006
Date 日期 |
Venue 地點 |
Deadline 截止日期 |
4/12/2005 |
12/11/2005 |
以上地區由2005年11月13日起被列為禁區,不能進行任何定向活動,直至賽事完結為止 |
The above competition area will be embargoed from 13/11/2005 to the end of the competition |
參加資格 : 1. 在賽事舉行前最少三星期成為2005-2006年度之總會會員,及已向總會登記電
Qualification 子控制咭
OAHK members who have registered E-cards with OAHK in the year 2005-2006 at least
three weeks before the event
2. 精英組別 (ME/WE)只限合資格賽員參加
Elite class (ME/WE) for qualified competitors only
組別 : 男子 Male M14, M16, M18, M20, M21A, M35, M40, M45, M50, ME
Classes 女子 Female W14, W16, W18, W20, W21A, W35, W40, WE
Entry Fee 20歲組別或以上- 每場$60 Classes 20 or above – HK$60 person/event
獎項 :各年齡組別全年排名冠、亞、季軍獎
Prizes The annual overall first 3 places in each age class will be awarded
報名 :參加者請填妥報名表格,並附上劃線支票(抬頭請寫”香港野外定向總會”) 寄回
Application 總會,支票背面請寫上參加者姓名及比賽名稱
Mail the completed entry form with a crossed cheque made payable to the “Orienteering Association of Hong Kong” to our office. Please write down the name of the participant and the competition at the back of the cheque
查詢 Enquiry :2504 8112