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Teach students everything they need to become a true kiteboarder.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-27 刊登者: Kite 2 High

Reservation: [email protected]

Teach students everything they need to become a true kiteboarder. Understanding your gear and how it works will help prevent serious accidents. Learning to kiteboard without official instruction is not advisable and can lead to injury or death to yourself and others VIDEO CLIP

The good time for kite lesson is East Wind or Southwest Wind breeze up to 20km ( 10 knot + )

Kite2High Kiteboarding

電話:9233 9897      
電郵:[email protected]

1 Day Kitesurfing Lesson
Learn on your own terms - we can create a customized lesson just for you
This lesso;n gives an overview of kiteboarding. Essential kite flying skills are taught on land and in the water, including kite piloting , board handling skills , basic safety protocols and self-rescue procedures . We supply the latest auto-water-relaunch kites and our exclusively designed training boards to speedup the learning process.
To make a successful waterstart and ride for at least a short period of time. Of cousre, you will set your own goal for the lesson , depends on your skill level.
4 hours minimum
Wind requirement
8 - 15 knots
Prerequisites **
  • Ability to comfortably contol a trainer kite
  • Good theoretical understanding of the following topics * :
    • Location and Conditions
    • Equipment and Terminology
    • Kite Setup
    • Launching and Landing
    • Kite Flying
    • Body Dragging
    • Re-launch and Self Rescue
    • Waterstart

** Kite2high reserves the right to cancel the lesson or change the lesson plan and goal if these prerequisites are clearly not met.


$1600 / Day

Special OfferYou will be entitled $1600 cash coupon on purchase new kite or board. 
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性