1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 會社、組織及團體


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-04-26 刊登者: 香港潛水總會

香港潛水總會有限公司, 早於一九六七年成立,致力於推廣蹼泳、潛水運動和相關之安全守則及關注海洋生態等活動。獲得康樂及文化事務署資助,並得到各屬會、會員及教練的支持。而為方便將來會務的發展,本會更於一九九六年三月註冊成為有限公司。截至二零零八年底本會之會員人數已達一千四百多人,而屬會則有近三十九個之多。

此外由於各界對環保意識之提高,本會亦致力於保護尚存之潛水地點,包括制定保護環境之潛水守則,組織各項清潔海洋和沙灘活動,並積極宣傳環保的意識。本會是中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會之會員,世界潛水總會之會員及亞洲水中聯盟之創會會員。香港潛水總會原則上承認各潛水組織的資歷,例如CMAS,NAUI, PADI, SSI,BASC,PDIC,TDISDI 等 。


Organization Background

The Hong Kong Underwater Association Limited (HKUA), promote safety and awareness of the marine environment for finswimming, snorkeling, scuba diving and other underwater activities in Hong Kong. HKUA was founded in 1967 and is supported by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department – Hong Kong SAR Government, a group of HKUA affiliated Clubs, enthusiastic diving instructors and divers. In order to promote underwater activities more easily HKUA was registered as company limited in early 1996.

As the environmental awareness of the people in Hong Kong is increasing so is the role that the HKUA is playing in promoting the protection of the pristine diving areas found in Hong Kong. HKUA is doing this by actively promoting environmentally and friendly safe diving practices and being involved in undersea awareness activities and underwater clean-ups.

HKUA is a member of the Hong Kong Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF & OC), World Underwater Federation (Confederation Mondiale des Activities Subaquatiques) C.M.A.S., and the Asia Underwater Federation (AUF). The Association recognizes the following training agencies: CMAS, NAUI, PADI, SSI, BSAC, PDIC, TDISDI

地址:香港銅鑼灣掃桿埔大球場徑一號奧運大樓 1026 室
電話:(852) 2504 8154  傳真:(852) 2577 5601
[email protected]

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