1. 88DB
  2. 運動及健身
  3. 拳擊格鬥

標拳舘 + 泰拳運動 + 泰拳訓練 (2116-0063)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-01-13 刊登者: oesmia1501

本舘創辦人莊瑞標師傅,接受正統及嚴格的泰拳訓練超過十年,已具備世界級拳手的水準。曾代表香港到 泰國、日本、中國、澳洲、土耳其 等等…世界各地參與多項泰拳比賽,並取得多項奬杯佳績。
在香港地少人多的城市裏,生活節奏急速,泰拳 訓練可使你釋放緊張的情緒,從而減低壓力,使你擁有健康的身心。
本泰 拳舘佔地2000多平方尺,設有標準擂台、沙包、各式拳腳靶等設備外,亦有專門鍛鍊肌肉的舉重器械。並備有更衣室、廁所、男浴室、女浴室、化妝間、儲物櫃及露台休息區。

- 網址 http://billthaiboxing.com

Master Bill as the founder of Bill Thai Boxing and Fitness has received more than 10 years of traditional and strict Muay Thai training. As a world class boxer, Bill has been represented Hong Kong to participate in worldwide competitions and has won in numerous Muay Thai championships in Thailand, Japan, China, Australia, Turkey and so on….
Muay Thai is correspondingly one of the aerobic exercises, mainly helps to enhance cardiopulmonary function, strengthen stamina, muscle and willpower.

As a sophisticated city, the living environment of Hong Kong is really busy and stressful. Muay Thai is just fit to lower your tension as well as a way to maintain a healthy life.

Bill Thai Boxing and Fitness is located in Wan Chai with only 2 minutes distance from Wan Chai MTR station. It owns more than 2000 square feet with advanced facilities such as standard ring, sandbag, several boxing targets and weightlifting equipment. Its interior design concept is based on the natural environment which hopes to bring a brand new Muay Thai experience to members in order to relieve their stresses from their daily lives.

Click here to know more details: http://billthaiboxing.com

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/billthaiboxing

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