既係課程 又係療程 想學體管 不用出門
Learning Weight Management, Losing Weight just Staying at home
Registration for FREE Experiential Day
預約專線 Booking Hotline : 8221 8055
根據個人需求, 身體狀況條件, 度身訂造體重管理課程
Tailor make Weight Management Program according to personal need and body condition
個人, 互動的訓練系統, 自行選擇最方便的時間地點, 受人生最便利的體重管理經驗
Personal & Dynamic Training System, at the most convenient time and location. Enjoying the weight management experience at most ease
絕對滿意的體管果效, 教授一生受用的體重管理智慧, 終生訓練
Definate satisfying weight management result; learning the wisdom you can use life-long, and continuous training
一個導師團隊, 擁有專業認證的顧問群, 不僅教學經驗豐富, 是來自各個專業領域: 包括註冊營養師, 認可高級私人健身教練 , 體重管理教練, 註冊催眠治療師, 認 可 NLP 執行師等專業人士
A trainers team, with professionally certified advisors, not only with plentiful training experience, but coming from various professional fields; including registered dietition, certified advanced personal trainer, weight management coach, registered hypnotherapist, Certified NLP Practitioner etc.
即時登記, 方便又快捷Instant Registration