1. 88DB
  2. 健康及醫療
  3. 身體檢查

聨康醫療驗身計劃 Check up Schemes

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-07-17 刊登者: 聯康醫療

驗身計劃 Check up Schemes

A. 基本 驗身計劃 (Basic Checkup Scheme) UCMG 1Preferential Price / member 會員優惠價: HK$280
1. Physical Examination  個人健康狀況作評估For understanding basic vital signs : Blood Pressure and pulse, and health history for evaluation 檢查生命體徵, 量度血壓, 脈搏, 個人健康狀況作評估
2. 血常規 Complete Blood Picture (CBP)For understanding general physical condition, anemia, thalassaemia, platelets 測試身體整體狀況, 有否缺鐵性貧血, 地中海貧血, 血小板情況,白血球情況
3. 總膽固醇 Total CholesterolFor Coronary Artery and Cardiac Risk Evaluation 冠心病及心臟病發率評估
4. 血糖 GlucoseFor understanding any possibility of Diabetic Mellitus 有否糖尿病傾向
5. 肝功能測試 Live Function Test - 谷丙轉氨酶SGPTFor analysis of liver condition and any active liver deficiency 肝功能測試
6. 腎功能測試 Renal Function Test - 尿素 UreaFor analysis of renal condition and any active renal deficiency 腎功能測試
7. 尿液檢驗 Urine Examination For detecting urine protein and Glucose
B. 婦女檢查 (Lady Checkup Package) UG3Preferential Price/member 會員優惠價: HK$380
Including 內容包括: 
身體檢查 Physical Examination婦科及產科病歷 Clinical History
血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse乳房及盤腔檢查 Breast & PV examination
柏氏子宮頸枺片檢查 Pap Smear念珠菌及滴蟲培養 Trichomonas and Monilia Culture
C. 癌標組別普查 (Tumor Marker Groups)  
經血液樣本進行廣泛癌腫瘤測試 screening test for different cancers by blood testOriginal Price 原價Special Price 會員優惠價
1. Digestive System 消化系統  
    i. CEA癌胚抗原; ii. CA19.9癌抗原19.9 (胰臟); iii. CA72.4癌抗原72.4HK$1,280HK$896
2. Liver and Pancreas /胰臟  
    i. Alpha Feto-Protein (AFP) 甲種胚胎蛋白; ii. CEA癌胚抗原; iii. CA19.9癌抗原19.9 (胰臟)HK$1,130HK$791
3. Breast 乳房  
    i. CEA癌胚抗原; ii. CA15.3; 癌抗原15.3 (乳房)HK$820HK$574
4. Nasopharynx 鼻咽   
    i. EBV antibodies 鼻咽癌病毒抗體HK$460HK$322
5. Lung   
    i. CEA癌胚抗原; ii. SCC鱗狀細胞癌抗原HK$800HK$560
6. Male Reproductive System 男性生殖系統   
        i.            Beta HCG (Quantitative) 絨毛膜性腺激素(定量);       ii.            PAP(前列腺)酸性磷酸     iii.            PSA前列腺癌抗 HK$980HK$686
7. Female Reproductive System 女性生殖系統  
        i.            SCC鱗狀細胞癌抗原;       ii.            CA125癌抗原 125 (卵巢);     iii.            Beta HCG (Quantitative) 絨毛膜性腺激素(定量) HK$1,250HK$875
8. Whole Cancer Markers 全套癌症檢查  
 i. CEA(腸癌,肺癌), ii. AFP(肝癌), iii. CA125(卵巢癌), iv. CA15.3(乳房), v. CA19.9(胰臟癌)         vi. PSA(前列腺癌), vii. SCC(鱗狀細胞癌), viii. BetaHCG(絨毛膜性腺癌), ix. EBV(鼻咽癌) HK$1,880
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