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Private and Class for students up to S1

「美」的存在,叫人驚訝,宇宙間的天地萬物,總察覺到「她」的存在。瑜珈從印度梵語Yue或Yui而來,意思是“一致“、“結合“或“和諧“的意思,瑜珈便是將身與心結合的古老健身法。當你開始練習,再反覆練習,透過專注的呼吸、變化多樣的式子組合及伸展扭曲的動作,就能夠按摩體內的五臟六腑,令肌肉及身心均放鬆,血液循環,舒緩勞累及延緩老化速度,最終再獲得「她」- 美麗健康的身體及線條。「美」的追求,一直存在

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SBS School Management Software is an advanced solution offering high scalability abundance of features to streamline the daily activities of the educational institutes. It is a Simple, Easy-to-use

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