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Pet Sitter

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-11-20 刊登者: PETSIT

Petsit Singapore

Services offered by Petsit Singapore

• Daily Pet sitting visits to your home to check on your pets while you’re on
holiday or out of town on business trips

• Taking your pet to vet, groomer, and other appointments

• Basic grooming services

• Overnight pet sitting in your home , with your pet

• Walking your dog while you’re at work

• Taking your dog for a long , healthy run

• House sitting and others services to ensure your home look lived in
while you’re away

Please call Ms King @ 91893251 or email to [email protected]

*Petsit Singapore services provided by DOG STYLISTS incorporated in Singapore, REGISTRATION NO: 53123943L

FAQ about choosing a pet sitter

Q What will a pet sitter do during visits with my pets?

Visit will usually conssit of providing fresh water, feeding, playtime, outdoor time, and plenty of attention for your pet. Your pet sitter may also turn light on/off, open or close curtains, collect newspaper etc.

Q Are pet sitters ever available for times other than when I go on holiday?
Absolutely, pet sitters and dog walkers provide services such as walking your dog or checking on and old or ill pet while you're at work, taking your pets to grooming and verterinary appointments.

Q Will a pet sitter take my pets to their home or come visit them in mine?
Some pet sitters offer to care for your pets in their home , but most will come to your house. This way your pets are able to stay where they are comfortable; in their usual surroundings.

Q When I go out of town how many times per day should a pet sitter visit my pets?

For dogs, most pet sitters will recommend at least two visits per day. For indoor dogs, three time a day would be best. For healthy cats, one visit per day is usually sufficient.

Q How long will the pet sitter visit with my pets?

Each pet sitter set their own time frame for visit, but 30 mintues to an hour seems to be standard.However, some pet sitters also offer short potty visits for dogs. These are specially designed for pets to have a chance to go outside for a potty break while their people are working long hours.

Q If my pet becomes ill while I'm away, how will that be handled?

Your pet sitter should get information from you in advance on how to handle such emergencies. You may be asked to complete a form detailing the name of your vet, how much money you authorixe to be spent on your pet's hehalf, and contact names of people who may help wiht decision making should you not be reachable.

Q If I'm going to be away during a public holiday, will a pet sitter still care for my pets?

Yes, certainly. That's the whole idea of a pet sitter. But be aware of the fact that pet sitter will charge extra for working on Public holiday.

Q I'd like to have my neighbor come visit my pets part of the time and have the pet sitter come part of the time, Is tha an ok thing to do?
Many , if not most, pet sitters will not share pet or home care responsiblities with someone else due to problems that may arise as a result. If someone will be in your home while you're away, be sure to discuss it with your pet sitter and aks what their policy is on this.

Q Should I call before I leave to comfirm my trip?

Definitely! Just before you leave, call your pet sitter to confirm that the trop is going as scheduled and then again when you return home. In fact, give the pet sitter a copy of your fight detail. We offer air port pick up with your pet at a norminal charge. What better then having your dog receiving you when you walk out of the airport?

Q What are the charges for pet sitter?

2 visits per day $35 - $50 per day
3 visits per day $50 - $90 per day

Q Walking your dog

30 mintues session $15 -$25 per session

Q Basic grooming services
Bathing only Small Breed $25 Medium Breed $35 Large Breed $55
Full grooming charges of Professional groomer plus $20 transport

Charges subject to change without notice
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