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HK Alley Cat Watch

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-01-21 刊登者: Hong Kong Alley Cat Watch

HK Alley Cats Watch was founded in 1997. Privately funded, its sole aim was to help the plight of Hong Kong’s street cats. This it achieved through trap, neuter, and release, a homing program for the friendly ones, and in looking after the general welfare and health of the cats on the streets.

In 2003, the co-founders registered as a society in order to help raise much needed funds and to extend its reach to potential carers of Hong Kong’s alley cats.

The basic principles remain unchanged and that is to work towards decreasing, and eventually eliminating, the number of cat colonies through trap, neuter and release. To encourage people to show tolerance towards animals in general, and in tandem with other animal welfare groups, to educate the public in responsible pet ownership.

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