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精靈可愛異短波斯等緊您 CFA Registered Excedent Cattery http://www.excedentcattery.com

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-01-05 刊登者: excedent1

現有一隻紅虎仔(6個多月大)、一隻黑白仔及一隻黑色仔仔出售 (4個多月大及包3支預防針、CFA出世紙)! 
We have one Red Tabby Boy, one Black and White boy and one Black boy available! (2-3 months old, 3 vaccinations, CFA registered)


我們是一家專門繁殖異國短毛貓及波斯貓的CFA註冊貓舍,目標是能夠繁出最接近CFA標準以及最健康、活潑的貓貓。我們所用的種貓血統均是來自世界各地冠軍級的血統,沒有遺傳病。為確保小貓的健康及其能夠盡學貓媽媽之技能,小貓只會在其12星期大之後才會離開本貓舍。如對本貓舍的貓貓有興趣,請Whatsapp/電6349-8040(Micky)/電郵至 [email protected],我們會以最快的時間回覆閣下的查詢。


We are a CFA registered cattery focusing on breeding Exotic Shorthair / Longhair and Persian cats.  We aim at producing the healthiest kittens which are close to the CFA’s written standard.  Many of our breeding cats were imported from all over the world (USA, Canada & Italy) and they are from gorgeous lines and are free from genetic diseases (PKD-, FELV/FIV free).  In order to ensure the kittens leaving our cattery have learnt all the necessary skills from their mothers, kittens will only leave after they reach the age of 12 weeks.  If you are interested in our kittens, please feel free to Whatsapp/Call Micky @ 6349-8040 for enquiries.  We undertake to answer all your enquiries as fast as we can.  You can also send an e-mail to [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性