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DK 香薰按摩 DK Aromatherapy Massage

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-02-12 刊登者: DK Aromatherapy
 城市生活忽忽忙忙,往往忽略了身體健康,超時工作、不良坐姿、睡眠不足等,影響肌肉狀態,容易感覺疲倦 DK香薰按摩特別針對深層肌肉組織,立即鬆弛收緊的肌肉,令到身體回復彈性及生氣;改善循環系統,身體能量得到即時補充,為身心提供保護罩,加強健康。 每次按摩前,包含一個5-15分鐘的的免費諮詢服務,治療師先了解你的健康及情緒狀態,再調配出個人專屬的精華油配方。

DK Pampering Aromatherapy Massage works on deeper muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body.  It releases your chronic muscle pain and tension through slower strokes and more direct deep pressure on the body.

 DK Pampering Aromatherapy Massage helps to loosen muscle, break up scar tissue, release toxins from muscle and get blood and oxygen circulating properly.  By fluent blood, lymph and nerve transmission flow, the whole body feel lighter and your mind and soul feel refreshing instantly.  The session begins with a 5-15-minute free consultation to understand your health history and emotional state.
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