歡迎參觀網頁: http://www.totalfithk.com/
只要填妥及遞交表格,凡參加本公司之「體重控制計劃(價值 HK$330 / 10 天)」,即可獲贈「佳能蛋白質粉」或「營養纖維粉」體驗裝(5 天份量),多謝各位支持!
By filling and submitting the enrolment form, you can participate "weight control scheme (value HK$330 / 10 days)”, as well as getting “Protein Powder” or “Active Fiber Complex” evaluation pack (5-day weigh) for free! Thank you very much for your supporting!
詳情請到: http://hk.shop.88db.com/totalfit/Testimonials
3 個月減 15 磅、改善腸胃、鼻敏感、便秘 Lost 7kg in 3 months, Improves intestinal, nose allergies, constipation.
| Denis Li
11 個月減 106 磅、改善睡眠窒息現象 Lost 48kgs in 11 months, improved sleep apnea syndrome.
3 個月減 26 磅。改善鼻敏感、腸胃失調及失眠問題 Lost 12kgs in 3 months, improves nose allergy problems, intestinal health & insomnia.
| Miao
由 49 kg 減至 43kg、改善水腫及暗瘡問題、解決經痛現象 From 49kg - 43kg, loss water retention & cured acne probe skin, improves menstrual pain.
改善心血管閉塞、血糖、膽固醇 Improves cardio vascular health, balance sugar & cholesterol level.
| Just
2 個月增 14 磅、改善精神 gain 7kg in 2 months, improves tiredness.
Tel: 3621 0168
Fax: 2851 0838
Address: 香港中環德輔道中 84-86 號章記大廈 10 樓 05 室
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.totalfithk.com/