Struggling with French grammar? Learning French makes your children feel frustrated? I'm here to help you! J'aimerais vous aider et retrouver du plaisir à apprendre le français:)

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

大時大節,總要同朋友一齊玩餐飽。King's Karaoke and Party Room為您打造一個隱於市區的派對場地,適合舉辦主題派對、預約攝影、朋友聚會、節日慶祝、私人宴會等,體驗難忘派對時刻。我們位於鄰近香港會議展覽中心的王子酒店24樓,對出便是一覽無遺的維多利亞港景色,客人可一邊慶祝,一邊欣賞維港景致。景色由黃昏至深夜,各具特色,黃昏可見夕陽暮色、晚上則可見東方之珠的璀燦夜景、大放異彩。
K消閒及娛樂 / 卡啦OKKing's Karaoke

錦繡藍山 中山石岐市區富人區 1. 10分鐘上到深中通道25分鐘返到深圳 2. 經港珠澳大桥延長線(廣珠西線)大嶼山50分鐘直達樓盤。 3. 10分鐘上高鐵30分鐘直達深圳北站 4. 石岐市中心 送豪華裝修 買一層送一層 港人可上會 最低十萬首期即可做業主 年底入伙 5. 樓盤自帶健身廣場 望山景 300米有大型商場 小學 醫院 銀行 酒店配套齊全  6. 門口有車直達香港太子屯門荃灣等車站  7

兒童興趣班 / 藝術 / 繪畫 / 手作
K親子 / 兒童興趣班 - 藝術Kids Club。Hong Kong

j買賣及批發 / 美容jeunessglobal

We aim at bringing quality Family Medicine and Network Medical Services, providing greater value in healthcare and health protection services to meet the demand of the general public in Hong Kong.
長者 / 健康檢查明康醫療香港有限公司

We are a Hong Kong real estate agency that specializes in Residential and Commercial properties, let us guide you through the whole renting and buying process

Techno Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong was established in 1995. During these 16 years we have changed in many ways, keeping up with your needs and trying our very best to serve you.
T汽車及電單車 / 汽車影音Techno Harley-Davidson

European Motors Ltd have been buying and selling quality used cars in Hong Kong since 1975 and have thousands of satisfied clients - we hope you will become one of them!

New friendship or a serious relationship - 34 (Hong Kong)

面部彩繪生日會 [彩繪派對、party姐姐面部彩繪帶生日會] Kids Birthday Party & Face Painting HK (Temporary Body Paint + face drawing Hong Kong)

Flow Wong - Freelance designer, graded in Hong Kong Design Institute. Good at CAD drawing and teaching
F設計 / 珠寶設計Flow Wong

在疫情下我的琴行也收檔執笠。故 在香港不設門市部,省卻了昂貴的舖租和燈油火蠟費用。所以三折清货,著名二胡演奏家/教育家徐老師,畢業於南京師範大學藝術系二胡專業。教授二胡/高胡。本人現為香港音樂導師同盟會會員,香港柏斯琴行等多間琴行及學校中樂導師。每小時260元。为照顾小孩子,长者也提供上门教育,每小时300元。多年教授二胡專業經驗豐富 ,一對一,手把手教育,進步神速。免費提供適宜的教材。

Contemporary Hong Kong Wedding Photography
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