教授Excel進階技能 及 函數應用/ Excel VBA程式編寫服務,簡單易用/ Tailor-made lesson, straight to the point, level up in short period of time/ Strong VBA application development experience in various industries.

親子 / 生日會及百日宴百樂生命之園

mio senso是由香港珠寶設計師何思敏小姐(Helen Ho)創立的品牌,從意大利文翻譯過來﹐mio senso解作「我的感覺﹑我的風格」。這意思就是代表著我們的宗旨﹐把充滿獨特氣息的珠寶首飾﹐帶入您們每天的生活中。它們不僅是漂亮﹐而且最重要的﹐是代表著您的個性和品味。

Chandom brought along with his passion for decades, writing a new page of his career and high performance customised alloy wheels.

Techno Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong was established in 1995. During these 16 years we have changed in many ways, keeping up with your needs and trying our very best to serve you.
T汽車及電單車 / 汽車影音Techno Harley-Davidson

DK Media provides wide range of services with professional media analysis and strategy.
攝影及影音 / 節目及活動DK Media│時藝媒體集團有限公司

car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts; motor inspection and car grooming services, etc.

Design Programmes: Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Graphic Design, Multimedia Design, Interior Design.
M設計 / 教學進修Marketing Dept

Oldham, Li & Nie is a highly successful mid-sized law firm, whose commitment is to professional excellence and to tailoring its legal services to the needs of both corporate and private clients.
o商業 / 法律事務oldhamlinie


We offers a wide range of products including artificial trees with natural trunks & plant with pot etc.
D鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽DB Plants Manufacturing Co Ltd

Our professional team is eager to provide creative yet practical ideas to make your dream come to reality.

北角平租免傭套房 床 浴室 交通便利 洋樓有窗 菜市场附近 適合愛乾淨夫妻和單身人士 有意請電: 69913418 Room available for rent at North Point Bed, bathroom and sink. Near to market. Interested person(s) call: 69913418


Perfect for stopping by during a long day of shopping! You will be delighted by the friendliness of our staffs & our professional hair stylists.
E美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Exclusive Salon

山嵐萬巒 千變萬化 舍此其處 必有其話 在綠蔭走道旁的嵐舍 像是帶領旅人們 進入另一個清心寡欲的國度 我們可以有短暫忙碌的工作 但不能沒有愜意自在的人生 嵐舍想給旅人們 就是這麼簡單純淨的生活態度 附近景點有人文音樂聚落-鐵花村、鐵道藝術村、誠品書店 走訪於此 讓自我藝術涵養提升不少 如想親近大自然,台東森林公園、海濱公園 也都是值得一看的地方 平日 假日 定價 V1(雙人房) 2,000
嗨Fun臺灣 / 民宿臺東民宿

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark
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