- 每年高達港幣七萬元正
- 每年高達20次獸醫門診保障
在保單生效期間,提供治療保障直至完成療程或到達賠償金額上限 (一般保單只保障最長為期十二個月的治療)
2.高達港幣一百萬元的第三者責任保障 ---保障您的寵物引致他人死亡、受傷或財物損失之第三者法律責任
3. 寵物失竊 --- 在寵物失蹤四十五天後,賠償您購買或領養該寵物時所支付的費用
4. 廣告費用 / 酬勞 ---補償因寵物失竊時所需之廣告費或作為尋回寵物之酬勞
5. 寵物受傷所導致之死亡保障 ---賠償您購買或領養該寵物時所支付的費用
兩款度身訂造的保險計劃以迎合您的需要 ~~
詳情歡迎隨時致電3689 6975和我們同事聯絡 !
Product Highlights
1. Comprehensive Veterinary Fees and Hospitalisation cover
- up to HK$70,000 per year
- up to 20 visits per year
2. Support your medical claim up to your policy limit, for as long as the
treatment takes while the policy is in-force (unlike other policies
which cover up to 12 months of treatment)
3. Third Party Liability protection of up to HK$1,000,000
4. Advertising / Reward --- Cost of advertisement or reward if your pet is stolen or lost ( Up to max. HIK$2,500)
5. Death from injury --- The price you paid for your pet if (s)he dies as a result of an acciden (Up to max. HK$10,000)
Group Discount of up to 20%
Two customised plans to suit your specific needs
For more details, please feel free to contact our staff at 3689 6975.