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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: 香港鸚鵡會


什麼是瀕危物種呢? 瀕危物種即是有絕種危機的物種。若該物種持續受到威脅,便難以生存活下去。便會有滅絕的可能。商人為利益而捕捉野生鸚鵡,造成大量鸚鵡的死亡,加速野生鸚鵡的滅絕。 野生鸚鵡離開原來的生長環境,常因適應不良而死亡;僥倖不死者,常造成環境改變或生態上的不利影響,間接影響原有物種之生存。 野生鸚鵡及飼養野生鸚鵡者都是受害者,都是輸家,只有非法的商人才是贏家,賺了大錢。 我們應搶救瀕臨絕種的野生動物,保護野生動物。防止保育類野生鸚鵡的獵捕、走私、非法販賣等行為。


假若大家見到有人兜售來歷不明的野生鸚鵡請不要購買。有同情心的人,眼見這些鸚鵡看來很可憐,沒有一個很好的居住環境,又或者看來有病在身,真不知如何是好?是要私下買來送醫救治後放生?還是自養呢?那又該找誰呢… ? 最後可能你選擇自掏腰包買下送醫救治或自養,這如此的行為,剛好給非法獵捕者有利可圖,甚至會變本加厲地去獵捕野生鸚鵡,造成野生鸚鵡更大的危害。

香港漁農自然護理署獎勵市民主動提供違反保育法犯罪情報線索,協助主管機構破案。假若市民遇見有人兜售來歷不明的野生鸚鵡,請盡也通知漁農自然護理署 (熱線電話 : 2150-6666)




Conservation has become the talk of the world. Hong Kong is following the trend closely and has been establishing many conservation policies to protect wild fauna and flora. Taking parrots as example, with the exception of Nymphicus hollandicus, Psittacula krameri and Melopsittacus undulatus, all parrots are listed as either endangered or threatened.

So what is an endangered species? A species is considered to be endangered if whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors persist. An endangered species will become extinct very soon if nothing is done.

The huge revenues generated by wild parrots trades is driving many species of parrot to extinction. Many wild-caught parrots die during transportation / smuggling. Some may survive but their lives will not be the same. Most will have problems to adjust to a captive environment and develop behaviour problems. Both the keeper and the wild-caught parrots are losers and victims. Only the traders are winner, albeit very disgraceful. Moreover, due to the food-chain relationships of all species, the extinct of one species could have very serious domino effects.

Therefore, we must try our best to protect and save those endangered wild animals. Stopping the catching, smuggling and selling of wild-caught parrots is therefore our unmistakable goal.

Please Support Conservation, Help Save the Wild Parrots

Please do not buy any parrot with unknown origin. Facing a pity parrot with bad living condition (or maybe even sick), a kind-hearted person may have to deal with a big dilemma. Should I buy the bird, take it to the vet. And then release the bird?? Or keep the bird at home?? The person may decide to buy the bird. This gesture may save that particular parrot but at the same time encourage the poachers to catch more, subsequently killing many more.

Members of the public are encouraged to provide information on illegal import, export, selling and possession of endangered species to ACFD. Person who provides reliable information leading to successful seizure of endangered species or conviction will be rewarded with cash. Please call the 24-hour report hotline 2150-6978.

Not only in Hong Kong, buying a wild-caught parrot in mainland China is also unacceptable. Hope everyone will become the ambassador of wild parrots. Let us catch the poachers, not parrots. Please cherish our natural environment. There is only one planet called the earth. Let us work together to maintain the nature's biodiversity.

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