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LoWu- provide the best care and rehabilitation of horses

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-11-22 刊登者: Lo Wu Saddle Club

About Lo Wu Saddle Club

Lo Wu Saddle Club is largest independent riding school in Hong Kong. Located at Ho Sheung Heung, Sheung Shui, New Territories, Lo Wu has a long and proud history. Formerly a British Army camp, it is now operated privately, as a non-profit organisation.

Lo Wu has over 40 horses, most of which are rehabilitated ex-racehorses. We provide lessons (both showjumping and flatwork) to riders of all abilities. Livery on some our horses is also available. Most importantly, we aim to teach our riders the art of horsemanship and how to care for our equine friends.

Lo Wu has also a strong record of community service. We provide free group visits to charities and non-governmental organisations and are also a proud supporter of Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA).

Come to Lo Wu - where generations of Hong Kong riders have learned to ride and appreciate horses!


In 1950 a British Army 414 Pack Troop of 29th Squadron of Royal Corps of Transport was based at Lo Wu Camp. Beside the pack-mules, there were a small number of horses attached to the Troop to be ridden by the officers and sergeants. Additional retired racehorses were given to the Troop by the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club. Services personnel and members of the Police Force stationed in the New Territories were invited to ride at Lo Wu on an informal basis.

In the early 1960's the officer-in-charge of the Troop was Major A. R. Grimshaw who was an expert horseman, international show jumping rider and former member of the British Amy Showjumping team. He greatly encouraged riding at Lo Wu, introduced riding instruction, and expanded the number of riders to include civilians who were interested in equitation. Showjumping competitions, and horse trials were held at Lo Wu, and the Boxing Day Meet was inaugurated and held at Lo Wu for several years before it moved to Beas River. The Pack Transport was disbanded in the mid 1970's, but riding continued at Lo Wu, which became the Hong Kong Services Saddle Club (HKSSC) under the command of Royal Army Veterinary Corp and took over the horses, stables and other buildings for the club use.

In 1994 with the beginning of withdrawal of British force from Hong Kong, HKSSC was on the brink of closure. In June of that year, a group of keen horse lovers, determined to maintain a part of history, negotiated a lease on the Lo Wu Camp and took over the administration of what is now known as Lo Wu Saddle Club.

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