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您和戀人是否最佳組合定冤家? 或您和他不匹配?Best Match of you & your lover according to astrology 占星學 不是星座咁簡單! 99%正確

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-06-30 刊登者: r leung

在您的生活中將匹配您的人有很多, 但是否他只是一個親密的朋友, 或您和他不匹配?這個測試使您看清楚他是否您的最佳的組合! 我們根據我們古董天文學書從世紀前探索個性和關係, 首先呢個唔係迷信係西方科學, 我們的服務在婚姻,約會,姻緣,工作合作,不包括feng水和未來。

We based on our old antique zodiac knowledge to explore the possible outcomes of you and your lover's personality.

our service is on marriage, dating, work partnership, understanding yourself better, our service based on scientific calcalation, doesn't include feng shui and future prediction.

Astrology consists of a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes that claim to predict aspects of an individual's personality or life history based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other planetary objects at the time of their birth. 現代西方講求心理性格分析,並不著重事件預測。然而,有些占星家認為占星推算理應精益求精,從而提高預測事件的準驗性,於是重溯古代占星學的原創精神,重新評定古代占星學的原理和方法。最著名的當屬三位名字都叫Robert(Zoller、Hand、Schmidt)的占星家,於1990年代所發起的Project Hindsight,將希臘、中世紀時期的古代經典翻譯註釋,後來三位雖因為理念的不同而分道揚鑣,而Zoller透過二十年的經驗累積,開辦中世紀占星課程,持續教導中世紀預言占星學,他的研究與努力更於2002年獲得占星界軒轅十四獎(Regulus Award)極高的肯定。而Hand則創立ARHAT(Association for the Retrieval of Historic Astrological Texts)繼續古籍的翻譯與保存。古典占星(包含希臘占星、中世紀占星)的再度復甦彌補了現代西方占星學的不足,也保存了古人的智慧結晶,功不可沒。

HK$300 is for results of 2 persons, single is HK$150


Transaction is through calls, emails and EPS machines.  

Not face to face.

CALL me  after 5.00pm everyday or through emails:  [email protected]

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