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博士主理,至2021年累積20.5年經驗 。博士級論文、編輯、研究分析指導輔導諮詢支援。 Essay, Assignment, Dissertation, Thesis, SPSS Guidance.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2020-12-18 刊登者: DCWAHK


DipCompStudies, DipTESOL, BA BIS, MA AppLing, DBA, ex-PhD candidate in Business & Language


Business Management, Human Resources Management, Tourism, Project Management, HK Law, Building & Consturction, Education, Marketing & Advertising, Psychology, Nursing, Medical, Housing & Facility Management, Linguistics & Translation, IT and Statistics.

不外判丶不是中介丶絕非虛擬網站式中介。已參與 1090+大小學術論文指導支援工作, 100% 實體本地運作,你能實體接觸到丶問到丶互動到。


即時查詢及報價:  Email: [email protected] Tel and Whatsapp: 852 6693 4106 / 3118 2404

了解更多: http://www.dcwahk.com


- 學術論文/研究報告 (Essay, Proposal, Thesis, Dissertation, Critical Appraisal, Meta Analysis, & Literature Review)

- 學術論文編輯 (Overhauls of Academic Writing Logic, Flow, Structure, Clarity, & Fluency)

- 質化/量化 數據收集及分析 (Structural Equation Modeling, Power Analysis, Six Sigma, Chi-Square, T-Test, Factor Analysis, Loglinear, Logistic Regression (Binary and nominal), Interaction, Factorial Analysis, Nonparametric Analysis, General Linear Model, ANOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, Dummy Coding, Linear Regression with Moderators or Mediators, Man-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Correlation, Adjusted Analysis, Odds Ratio, Relative Risk, Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive, & Negative Predictive, to name an important few)

- 質化/量化 研究顧問服務 (Qualitative & Quantitative Research Consultancy)

- 協助尋找文獻、研究材料 (Literature Searches, Assistance in Field Data Collections & Observations)


即時查詢及報價:  Email: [email protected] Tel and Whatsapp: 852 6693 4106

了解更多: http://www.dcwahk.com


- A company registered in Hong Kong with a valid Hong Kong business certificate, clients are protected under the Hong Kong law

- DCWACC is administered by a DBA with ex-PhD candidacy (DipCompStudies, DipTESOL, BA BIS, MA AppLing, DBA, ex-PhD candidate in Business + Language), research rigor is emphasized

- DCWACC is NOT a middle-man sales coordinator making a claim that many staff / teams are working behind the scenes

- As a focused company, DCWACC puts emphasis on quality rather than quantity

- Reliable in-house research sources, Peer-reviewed ONLY! etc... Clients are never asked to give passwords and usernames for database access

- Two-way interactive learning, nothing is virtual

- 100% Made in Hong Kong

- Genuine, DCWACC does only what it knows, marketing is not employed to create overstated/unrealistic perceptions





聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性