1. 88DB
  2. 健康及醫療
  3. 健康及醫療優惠

We aim to provide one-stop solutions to our business partners

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-07-16 刊登者: 遠大醫療用品有限公司
Great Eastern Healthcare Limited, established since 1953, is a Hong Kong based private company, specializing in the distribution of medical, pharmaceutical and home health care products.


We aim to provide one-stop solutions to our business partners, and to create value together with them through the sharing of knowledge and experiences. We strive to meet customers' needs and satisfaction constantly and to exceed customer's expectation is our ultimate goal. We are committed to provide high quality, competitive products and services through continuous quality assurance, improvements and innovations in response to the changing demand. Our products will always comply with international safety and regulatory standards and requirements.

Great Eastern Healthcare Ltd.

9/F., Block A, Kerry TC Warehouse One,
3 Kin Chuen Street,
Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong

Tel : (852) 2481 8832

Fax : (852) 2610 1483

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.gehl.com.hk

Webstore: www.healthonline.hk

Tel: (852) 2426 9388

Email: [email protected]

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