tel : 5111-9025
What is Tantric Massage
Tantric massage will make you feel as if you are in a trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears, worries and problems no longer seem important, or are forgotten altogether. We will begin by having you recline on your back with pillows under your head and a towel covered pillow supporting your hips. Your legs will be slightly apart, your knees just a little bent. For lady we will cover your body with a big towel to keep you warm and secure. Your abdomen, thighs, feet, toes, chest, nipples, gluteal region...are then gently massaged with warm aromatic oil. Your whole body will be massaged and nothing will escape attention. Your energy flow is stimulated and senses awakened as your body's sensitivity increases.
The ultimate sensual savory process
According to Tantric ideals, your entire body will be massaged, including certain sensual zones. Perceptions of sensuality and gratification are located here, as these "erogenous" zones are an important source of joy in life. It is intended to relax and build total awareness of ones sexual energy through the power of sensual touch and the art of receiving. You will feel relaxed, yet wide awake. You will be coached to breathe properly, as you sink into yet deeper level of relaxation. In this very caring ceremony you will be completely nurtured and pampered in the arms of your goddess, giving you a seamlessly blend bespoke stress-relief with intense full-body bliss for your ultimate stress-melting satisfaction.
All ladies and gentleman clients will be serviced by our highly skilled therapists (male or female). All our therapists are very well trained, friendly & fun.
Business Hours: 10am - 3am (7 days a week)
For gentlemen
full body massage(Shiatsu + Swedish oil massage) + gentleman tantric massage + lingham massage + prostate massage(optional)
For ladies
full body massage(Shiatsu + Swedish oil massage) + lady tantric massage + yoni massage + rosebud massage(optional)
We adopt an open and transparent pricing policy. The rates listed below are complete and full. There is no hidden cost whatsoever. Standard rates (10am - 10pm)
60 mins $600
90 mins $800 (recommended)
120 mins $1,000 (recommended)
150 mins $1,200
Midnight rates (11pm - 3am)
60 mins $800
90 mins $1,000 (recommended)
120 mins $1,200 (recommended)
150 mins $1,400
Traveling surcharge
•All downtown areas......No surcharge
•Island south, the peak, mid-levels......Return taxi fare from nearest MTR
•New Territories South......$150
•Airport, D'Bay, Sai Kung, New Territories North,Tung Chung, Gold Coast......$200
Our therapists would perform the massage in loose massage attire. Should you want her to perform massage in nude, please feel free to arrange with her and she would expect a tip to undress