History Background
Tuberculosis, in short term "TB", is still a major health problem in Hong Kong. The Association started fighting TB since late 1940. In 1940s the number of deaths from TB was very worrying and in 1948, 108.9 people per 100,000 population died of TB. For this reason Mr. Jehangir H. Ruttonjee started his campaign against TB. He called on a number of close and influential friends and convinced them on the need to fight TB. Together with such dedicated citizens as Sir S.N. Chau, Messrs. Ngan Shing Kwan, Shum Wai Yau, D. Benson, Lee Lu Cheung, Seaward Woo as well as, Dhun Ruttonjee son of Mr. J.H. Ruttonjee, they formed the first institution named "the Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association in 1948". Secondly, with a substantial donation from Mr. J.H. Ruttonjee, the former naval hospital in Wanchai area was converted to become the Ruttonjee Sanatorium in February 1949 mainly for the treatment of tuberculosis. It was later redeveloped to a General Hospital in 1991. Thirdly, the Grantham Hospital was formed in June 1957 which was also mainly for the treatment of tuberculosis and later evolved into a Cardio-thoracic Centre in 1982. Fourthly, the Freni Memorial Convalescent Home was redeveloped into a 250-bed Care and Attention Home for the elderly in late 1999.
We can never forget the devoted and unfailing support of the Ruttonjee Family in the fierce battle against Tuberculosis. Up to date, our distinguished Vice-President Mr. R.M. Shroff, a member of the Ruttonjee Family, is still leading the Association to carry on the brilliant tradition.
Mission Statement
To promote, encourage or undertake research and experimental work on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and any other aspects of the diseases and malfunction of the chest, heart and lung.
To establish, maintain, support or operate homes for aged.
To provide rehabilitation and medical treatment for those suffering or have suffered from such diseases.
To support the Hospital Authority in the management and development of the Ruttonjee Hospital and the Grantham Hospital.
- To provide Health Information
- To provide quality medical treatment services
To launch Health Exhibitions and Health Talks
To conduct TB Research
To provide Hot Line Enquiry 2572 3466
To provide Care and Attention Home services (Freni Care & Attention Home)
To provide Health Education and Health Promotion (Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention)
Highlights of Events