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BabyPlus-----the most valuable educational system for your baby!!

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-10-21 刊登者: 寶寶佳

BabyPlus® may be the most valuable educational system ever developed. Much like a prenatal vitamin enriches the nutritional environment of a child during pregnancy, our curriculum enriches the auditory environment.

A Breakthrough in Learning

BabyPlus is an audio device that introduces patterns of sound to prenatal children in the only language they understand the maternal heartbeat. As a baby discriminates the heartbeat sounds of BabyPlus from those of the mother, learning has begun and the child brain has been activated in a way never before possible.

"If any type of prenatal stimulation is going to make a difference to a baby's mental development, it is auditory input. Because hearing begins so early, and because sounds penetrate the womb so well, they are probably the best tools for stimulating a fetus's rapidly developing nervous system."

Lise Eliot, Ph.D., What's Going On In There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life, 1999

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