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  3. 其他治療

身心重生呼吸 Rebirthing Breathwork

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-02-12 刊登者: DK Aromatherapy

您可知道未化解的過往經歷對您在身體上及心理上所造成的不良影響嗎 ? 當我們受壓或遇到不愉快的經驗時, 往往不自覺地壓抑自己的感受及傷痛。

根據醫學研究報告, 被埋藏潛意識深處的負面情緒和信念, 可導致身體疾病, 情緒問題及重複的破壞性行為模式。

透過『身心重生呼吸』, 污染潛意識的消極元素可被徹底清理, 身體和心靈得到淨化,令您身心重獲自由。

什麼是『身心重生呼吸』 ?

  • 『身心重生呼吸』融合心理學根基與呼吸技法。自七十年代初期起 ,世界各地過百萬人受惠這套療法。『身心重生呼吸』主要運用一套呼吸法,帶出內在自療的本能, 清除被鎖住體內的情緒和精神「毒素」。 同時,您能醒覺到阻礙您成功 和快樂, 埋藏潛意識的破壞性思想模式。您對困擾您的問題因而得到新的領悟, 啟發您自我突破。 過程中, 身心進行深度的整合, 所有身體及存在當中的每一 個細胞都得以重生。
  • 除具即時放鬆身心、釋放壓力的功效外 , 更能助您化解過往經歷的創傷和擺脫 心理障礙。『身心重生呼吸』可視為以身體為焦點的心理治療。

每節『身心重生呼吸』過程是怎樣的 ?

  • 治療過程開始時 , 治療師首先跟您探討您要處理的問題, 訂定清晰的目標, 作為該節的焦點。 跟著是呼吸環節, 治療師的任務是指導呼吸方法, 及支持您處理在過程中體驗到的情緒, 回憶,思想或身體感應。在過程完結前, 治療師會跟您討論您在過程中的體驗, 加深自我認識, 助您作出積極改變。
  • 『身心重生呼吸』是十分安全的。作為您的呼吸教練 , 治療師會鼓勵您完全 投入過程, 但絕不超出安全範圍。您的內在保護機制 會自動防止那些您未能 應付的情緒或回憶進入您的意識層面。

『身心重生呼吸』適合那些有志解放內心枷鎖 , 消除阻礙身心發展的障礙之人仕。對處理以下情況有幫助:

  • 人際關係困難
  • 感情問題
  • 癖癮及沉溺行為
  • 缺乏自信
  • 身體痛症及慢性症狀
  • 喪失及哀傷
  • 抑鬱及焦慮
  • 創傷性經歷
  • 人生轉變適應

Many of our physical, emotional or psychological ailments have their origin in past traumatic events or unresolved experiences. In these incidences, the stress and strong emotions we experience cause us to hold our breath. The holding of the breath locks emotions and the negative thoughts we have at that time in the body. Materials that have been pushed out of the conscious mind, zap our vitality and limit our ability to pursue our goals in life.

Through Rebirthing Breathwork, you can uncover the feelings and patterns that are unconsciously influencing you in undesirable ways. It is possible to release deeply buried pains, memories, emotions, thoughts or limiting beliefs associated with past traumatic events or unresolved experiences.

What is Rebirthing Breathwork?

  • Rebirthing breathwork, which has been practiced around the world and healed millions of people since the 1970's, is a relaxed breathing process that makes use of the body's natural ability to heal itself. The process involves being guided by a facilitator to breathe in a full, free manner, triggering a natural process in the body that has a cleansing and purifying effect, both mentally and physically.
  • During the process, your body gets filled with energy and is nourished as it receives more oxygen than it is accustomed to. Toxins are released from the muscles and cells, and exhaled. As the body and cells are cleansed and energized they also release emotional and mental "toxins" that are the result of emotions and traumas that have been suppressed and held in the body.
  • You become more aware of thoughts, behaviors, and emotional patterns that are holding you back from living your lives the way you want.  Subconscious materials brought into consciousness are dealt with, effecting change at the root cause of  ailments, not just producing relief of symptoms.
  • The immediate benefits of rebirthing breathwork are fuller and freer breathing, reduced stress and increased aliveness. As an on-going process, you begin to experience lasting changes such as increased energy, deeper levels of relaxation, renewed vitality, optimism and joyful aliveness.  You also have the opportunity to clear the destructive patterns and psychological blocks that you've built up over time, enhancing your ability to find more freedom and fulfillments in life. Rebirthing breathwork can be perceived as a form of non-verbal psychotherapy.

What Does a Rebirthing Breathwork Session Involve?

  • In a Rebirthing breathwork session, the therapist will first explore with you what is happening in your life to help you gain a better understanding of the issues you want to address. During the breathing process, the therapist will guide your breath in a way that enables the breathing process to occur. She will guide and support you through the variety of feelings, thoughts, memories and body sensations that you may experience during the process.  After the breathing process, the therapist will help you integrate your experiences so as to facilitate positive changes in your life.
  • The process is safe as there is a built-in protection mechanism in you which will not easily allow anything to come into your awareness that you are not ready and able to deal with. The therapist acts as a breathing coach and supporter encouraging you to stretch yourself but not pushing you beyond your safety zone.

Rebirthing Breathwork is for anyone who wants to be released from a state of being stuck and held back in life due to emotional or psychological blocks. It addresses a wide range of issues including:

  • Relationship difficulties
  • Love pains
  • Past trauma and abuse
  • Career difficulties
  • Life crisis and transitions
  • Bereavement
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Compulsions and addictions
  • Low self-confidence and shyness
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