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莎莉自然療法醫療中心 - Naturopathy 自然療法

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-01-14 刊登者: 莎莉自然療法醫療中心
 (   Naturopathy 自然療法 ) 



 莎莉自然療法醫療中心提供各項整全性自然療法,是採用一些純天然.無傷害性的方法及無毒性的療劑,增強身體天賦的治癒能力,助你重獲及提高身體健康的有利條件改善長期慢性病的問題。我們所提供的自然療法/ 另類療法 輔助性治療等等,整全綜合性治療服務,由吳欣欣 (Dr. Shirley Ng) 自然療法醫學博士, 美國ANCB自然療法審委會認證 傳統自然療法醫生親自主理.莎莉自然療法醫療中心 (www.SNH.com.hk)http://www.shirleyscomfort.com/bio/index.html WHAT IS A NATUROPATH?
A Naturopath is a person who applies treatment modalities based on the principles of Traditional Naturopathy.
Naturopathy is an approach to health care that aims to promote, restore and maintain health. The following principles underpin the practice of Naturopathy:
1. The Healing Power of Nature or Vis Medicatrix Naturae: There is a ‘vital force' or ‘life force' that drives the self-healing or self-correcting mechanisms of the body.
2. The Triad of Health; describes the connection and interaction between the structural, biochemical and mental/emotional components of all living beings.
Dysfunction in one area invariably leads to disruption elsewhere.
3. The Uniqueness of the Individual: People are genetically, biochemically, structurally and emotionally different from one another. Each person responds in a unique way to influences whether they are mental/emotional, structural, nutritional, social or cultural.

Naturopaths also recognise that:
Health is more than the absence of disease: it is dependent upon a multitude of factors and is a reflection of a harmonious interaction with our environment.
Acute disease processes are different from chronic processes. The acute response is the body's attempt to restore health often through enhanced processes of elimination.
Suppression of such healing processes contributes to the potential for chronic breakdown.
Disease processes involve activation of the body's homeostatic mechanisms; health is homeostasis – a dynamic equilibrium.
The individual requires suitable foods for nourishment, clean water, fresh air and sunlight, as well as appropriate exercise, rest and relaxation.
Prevention is preferable to cure.

 Shirley Naturopathic Holistic Centre offer a Holistic natural approach to restoring and promoting health, utilizing minimally invasive procedures and nontoxic agents to enhance the body's innate healing ability. We provide a comprehensive range of services in Naturopathy / Natural Healing / Alternative Medicine & Complementary Therapies, in charged by Dr. Shirley NG, Naturopathic Doctor (US) and ANCB Board Certified Traditional Naturopath. SHIRLEY NATUROPATHIC HOLISTIC CENTRE (www.SNH.com.hk) 


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