1. 88DB
  2. 健康及醫療
  3. 其他治療


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-06-02 刊登者: ty

Veinoplus 法國 France 舒足健靜脈曲張肉刺激儀

Veinoplus EMS Stimulator for Venous Disease

全球首部預防及紓緩靜脈曲張的電刺激儀促進腿部血液環, 減低痛楚及腫脹預防靜脈曲張的形成機身細小, 方便易用 (家, 辦公室及旅途均適用) 適用於孕婦, 長途乘機旅客及工作者, 長時間安坐或缺少活動人仕

The 1st EMS to treat pathologies of veins. Restores the natural blood flow in the legs, eliminates painful sensation and reduces foot swelling. Prevents venous blood stases and deterioration of the vein wall. Easy to use (at home, at the office or while traveling) Indications:Pregnancy, prolonged sitting or standing (office, air travel),people who are lack of physical activity.

適應症腿部腫脹, 疼痛小腿呈現青筋腿部容易疲累靜脈位置感到疼痛夜間出現抽筋的情況乳癌手術後導玫的上肢淋巴水腫

Indications: Swollen leg and soreness Varicosity in lower legs Lower limb easily get fatigued Soreness arises around the veins Nocturnal cramps Post Mastectomy Lymphedema



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