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Prestigious & Therapeutic Spring Water from France - Ventadour (Sparkling) & Chantemerle (Still)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-07-25 刊登者: AGL-HK



Awesome food, Great services, and Perfect atmosphere. What's more !? Fine French Water !

Ventadour (Sparkling)& Chantemerle (Still) are two unique French water. We believe our fine water will be a refreshing idea for diners who is tired of San Pellegrino, Perrier, Evian etc, they expect new but quality water ! 


Natural Source ! Natural Tate !

Ventadour and Chantemerle named after the owner of the Castle at 12th Century. Since 1868, our water have been sold in France. The source is located in  a protected natural park in southeast of France " Parc naturel régional des Monts d'Ardèche". Adjacent to the volcanic region in Ardeche, our water is naturally captured at the source and the water is 100% naturally carbonated. As you may know, many water in the market fills with artificial carbon dioxide! Also reports have shown their water would have been contaminated by the artificial fertilizer (Nitrate) from area around, while our spring water has proven to have ZERO nitrate. That's what we are different !



Prestigious and Pride

Our water : Ventadour Sparkling Water & Chantemerle Still Water are currently available in quality restaurants and stores, including Cepage, the 2-starred Michelin Restaurant in Wan Chai; Mirror, another Michelin-starred French restaurants in Wan Chai; La Marmite from Aqua group in SOHO, and many more others!  Mirror and Cepage, two Michelin-starred restaurants operated by Chefs coming from Alain Ducasses and Joel Rubuchon!  They pick our water because Ventadour  and  Chantemerle  stands out during the water tasting event!  They love the fine and mild bubbles , as well as the refreshing taste !



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