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無咖啡因咖啡 Decaffeina [高端系列] [ 咖啡批發及零售 · 環球咖啡 ]

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-02-02 刊登者: 環球咖啡 · 享受優質生活, 提供百分百至純正高質咖啡
100% Arabica beans from Thailand

Enjoy a cup of coffee before you are going to bed, Decaffeinated blend may provide you a high quality sleep.

rich smooth,pleasant flavour, which have been treated with the *decaffeination process leaving a smooth mellow taste, also available in sachets.

*97% of the caffeine is removed using “Swiss water” method of extraction.
Flavour _Body _Acidity _Finish

Roast: Medium-Dark

Weight per bag: 1 lb (454g)

Packing Material: Alu foil bag

What is the Swiss water process?
It is a method that uses only water and activated charcoal filtres to decaffeinate coffee.
1. The coffee beans are soaked in hot water that removes all the components off the coffee including caffeine.

2. The coffee is discarded and the water is fintered through activated charcoal to eliminate the caffeine.

3. The "flavour-loaded" water is circulated through a secoond bath of coffee and only the caffeine is removed since the water cannot absorb any other components. 
**Free Shipping for 3lbs or over by an order
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