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珍珠琳+異黃酮膠囊 助你解決女性週期及更年期煩惱, 令你回復青春

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-12-27 刊登者: Jeffrey Ng & Co

【珍珠琳 由天然真珠所提取的物質,含多種安基酸和52種微量元素,具安神定驚、清熱益陰、明目解毒、強健骨骼及美容養顏之特效,為全功能性產品。

【Pearlium】Extracts of natural pearl contains different types of amino acids and 52 trace elements which are proved effective for defense against aging, promote cell rejuvenate, bone health and metabolism rate.


【Isoflavones】Also known as natural estrogen helps to relief of perspiration, hot flush and distraction.

產品功效:美容                            ~ 美白去斑,活化皮膚細胞,防止及減淡皺紋,抗衰老
                   舒緩女性週期不適     ~ 經痛、青春痘
                   改善女性更年期症狀 ~ 出汗、潮熱及心煩
                   其他                            ~ 強健骨骼,改善失眠

Advantages : ~ anti-aging & anti-wrinkle
                        ~ promoting cell rejuvenation and metabolism rate
                        ~ effective for brighten skin, sun protection & enhancing skin elasticity
                        ~ prevent the formation of Acne
                        ~ relief of dysmenorrheal and menopausal syndrome
                        ~ prenvtion of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease
                        ~ relief of insomnia
                        ~ maximinze food absorption


We have developed a full line of proprietary formulations for the Pearlium+isoflavones of your health. Manufactured by Hong Kong GMP pharmaceutical factory, passed microbial inspection, guaranteed no lead or heavy metal, environmentally friendly manufacturing, the operation is reliable & safety.


This product is selling in medical clinic & selective beauty agent. Further enquiry, please do not hesitate to email or contact us.

電郵 / Email : [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性