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Shirley Naturopathic Holistic Centre 莎莉自然療法醫療中心

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-01-14 刊登者: 莎莉自然療法醫療中心
Detoxification e.g. Malnutrition / Indigestion / Constipation / Cirrhosis / Hepatitis / Fatty liver / Folliculitis / Rashes / Eczema / Itchness 

SUPER DETOX PROGRAM - Cell Vibratory & IonicDetox


Case: Male / Age 25 / Sportsmen / Healthy / Mid-size Body (5'8" 158 lbs)

 How the IonicDetox Works

Generating IonsAn ion is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron which creates a magnetic field capable of attaching to and neutralizing oppositely charged particles. These neutralized particles are extracted from the body through the process called osmosis. Osmosis is a scientific term that is used to describe the movement of particles through a membrane from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. In this case, the higher concentration refers to the ion field that is set up by placing the array into the water while running the unit.

The array is placed into the water alongside the hands, feet, or body while the power supply delivers a low level direct current to the array. This causes the metals within the array in combination with water and salt to generate positively and negatively charged ions by separating oxygen and hydrogen in the water. The practitioner determines the polarity setting through the use of litmus paper (pH strips) or muscle testing. We speculate that ions generated by the IonicDetox travel through the body attaching themselves to a multitude of toxic substances, thereby neutralizing their positive or negative charge. It may be possible to reduce pain and other symptoms caused by a lifetime of toxic buildup in the body (assuming the symptoms are caused by toxic buildup). The long-term effectiveness of the IonicDetox detoxification process depends on other life-enhancing changes a person is willing to make.

Why Detoxify the Body:In today's toxic environment, tissue acid wastes, chemical and heavy metal residues build up in the body faster than ever before, resulting in a greater incidence of allergies, mental, and physical incapacitation. We have begun to hear more about herbal and homeopathic detoxification programs by alternative health practitioners as a way of reducing symptomology and maintaining health.All healing traditions - Egyptian, Native American, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Chinese, Shamanic - except Western Medicine offer body purification as a means of healing and avoiding disease.

Pimples, rashes, dark circles under the eyes, swollen joints, yellow, green and blotched complexions often indicate a buildup of tissue acid wastes inside the body. Dietary modification and herbal detoxification supported by IonicDetox sessions have been shown to substantially reduce and even eliminate these conditions.

IonicDetox sessions will support any body cleansing modality and may even reduce the discomfort associated with rapid purification.

Today we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet and ongoing periodic detoxification is essential to maintain health and avoid disease. The IonicDetox, in combination with a healthy, low-stress lifestyle, provides a thorough and efficient way to maintain high energy levels and long term wellness.It appears that the IonicDetox helps to purify the body more effectively because of its stress reducing and relaxing effects. The IonicDetox provides a comfortable purification support system

Who will benefit from IonicDetox foot SpaMost people should immediately experience an increased sense of well being Most people should immediately experience an increased sense of well being and more energy. Many children have reported greater mental clarity as a result of the foot bath; young couples planning families should do IonicDetox foot spa sessions prior to conception. Women seeking to maintain healthy breasts throughout their life will benefit from whole body purification. Middle aged men and women have reported increased energy and greater mental clarity after completing our Ultimate Purification Program. 
RESULTSPeople who have experienced the treatment and reported amazing results! The SUPER DETOX PROGRAM - Cell Vibratory & IonicDetox Spa helped them with the following health challenges:- Detoxification
- Anti-aging
- Reduced joint pain
- Incontinence / Constipation
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Muscular Injuries
- Fatigue
- Increased Energy / Vitality
- Acidosis
- Menopausal Problems
- Menstrual Problems
- Fungus (HK's foot / Athlete's foot / Candidiasis)
- Improved Liver Function
- Improved Kidney Function
- Improved Blood & Lymphatic Circulation
- Improved Concentration
- Depression
- Balances PH  
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