Special Offer for New Clients 新客戶優惠價
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Body Harmony® was birthed by Don McFarland, a Doctor of Chiropractic. By listening to the body and following each person's own unique path to healing, Body Harmony encourages many changes in the body including deep relaxation, greater mobility, the release of pain and tension as well as the release of past traumas. With these releases, it offers the opportunity for increasing self-empowerment, the power to make real the dreams that our limitations had held from us. Come and experience the body harmony therapy – 5 treatments for HK$900 (approximately 1 hour per treatment) "Body Harmony"是由脊骨神經科醫生Don McFarland 所創立,透過聆聽你的身體和根據每個人的需要,為您的身體、情感與精神層面帶來平衡與療癒,包括深層的放鬆,增加身體的活動能力及幫您消除負面的印記。香港人生活緊張、壓力沉重,以致身心受困、紓解無從。"Body Harmony" 正正能賦予你力量創造不可思議的轉變,實現我們的夢想生活。有關資料可瀏覽網址 www.BodyHarmony.org。 來親身體驗它的功效,5次療程HK$900 (每次療程約1小時)。