1. 88DB
  2. 設計
  3. 時裝設計


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-06-01 刊登者: 制服站時裝公司

制服站公司專門提供耐用而價錢合理的成衣和制服,專業設計樣板或客戶提供款式訂製,自設廠房 ,客戶訂購時,能提供最佳價錢和準確貨期,如有任何問題或有關產品的詳細資料,請聯絡我們 。

L-K Uniform Company specially designs to offer reasonable price and durable uniform, we provide professional design and tailor make for customer order, we set up the factory building by oneself. When the customer orders, we can offer the best price and provide accurate delivery schedule. If you have any question or detailed materials about products, please get in touch with us.



電郵 :[email protected]
地址:香港則魚涌芬尼街多寶樓1/F 2B / 國內廠址 深圳羅湖區羅芳村432號
傳真 :2413 8844
電話:2413 8899
查訽 / 報價:  雷生:9232 8993

The sincerity of our company offers the best service to customer, follows up and accurate schedule, guarantees that your company brings and will satisfied with the service.

Email :
[email protected]
Address : 2B Tor Po Mansion Finnie Street Quarry Bay HK
Fax : 2413 8844
Tel:2413 8899
Enquiry / Quotation : Mr Lui : 9232 8993
Our company does not accept retail.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性