1. 88DB
  2. 親子
  3. 學校


音樂室, 視藝室, 多媒體語言室, 圖書館, 電腦室, 室外運動場
祂的恩典乃是一生之久。一宿雖然有哭泣,早晨便必歡呼。(詩30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

The long-standing goal of True Light is to nurture talents for our society and mother country in the spirit of Jesus Christ. As the principal, I want our graduates to be leaders in different fields, taking up key positions in government offices, commerce or other sectors. To achieve this goal, girls in True Light are being offered ample opportunities to address large audiences in both English and Chinese, for example, making announcements, acting and dancing in the school hall or in the fountain area, participating in contests in public speaking, debates and drama performances. These will give them a sense of achievement and build up their confidence.

Besides, students are given a lot of opportunities to organize activities. For instance, they can run various clubs and societies by themselves and teachers will simply act as advisers but not instructors. In addition, all form 6 girls will continue to play a very important role this year. Many of them serve as leaders in different clubs and societies. Besides, under the buddy system for the Reading Scheme, they are expected to exert a positive influence on the lower form girls.


The slogan "Read for Intelligence, Strive for Excellence" has laid out the main goals of our school development plan for these three years. The main focus is on the “enhancement of students’ language proficiency through reading” and “students’ self enhancement”. Through the combination of these two themes, we hope to help students build a positive self-image and develop independent learning skills, which can facilitate their life-long learning.

Our school’s vision of promoting an all-round Christian education can only be realized when it is shared by all teachers, students and parents. In this regard, I owe my staff my heartfelt gratitude for what they have done. I would also like to enlist the continued support from all parents to join hands with us for the development of our school in future.
