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  3. 兒童興趣班 - 語言學術

免費試堂 - 兒童英語舞蹈班 English Kids Dance

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-10-17 刊登者: EDF DanceStudio

英文舞蹈班 English Kids Dance (免費試堂日 Free Trial Class)

試堂日期: 3 Nov 2012 (Sat)
時間: 11:00 - 12:00 (Jazz); 12:00 - 13:00 (Hip Hop)
導師: Joyce T

試堂名額有限, 先到先得.
歡迎致電2388 2528查詢及留位
facebook: www.facebook.com/EDFworkshop
website: www.edfdancestudio.com

EDF kids 的教育理念, 就是推崇由輕鬆愉快的環境中, 令小朋友自然發展自信,創意,合群及堅毅的良好品德。透過舞蹈, 本課程令小孩子增強身體的靈活, 協調,平衡, 記憶力及節奏感, 同時亦可培養尊注力及忍耐力。除了母語教學, EDF KIDS 更新設英語教學課程, 可讓小朋友在發展興趣同時, 亦能提高英語聆聽和會話水平, 發展成功人生路。

“EDF Kids” aims at establishing and cultivating children’s confidence, creativity, endurance and developing their social skills in a fun and relaxing environment. More importantly, dancing enhance children’s memory, body flexibility, coordination, balance and sense of rhythm, which can facilitate both their mental and physical developments. Besides regular Cantonese classes, we also provide professional coaching in English for our students to learn and improve their oral and listening skills.

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